USDA-ARS SY (PI) Peach Rootstock Breeder
(2024-current) - USDA-ARS Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research
Post-doctoral research associate (2021-2024) - Texas
A&M University Department of Horticultural Sciences.
Graduate research assistantship (2015-2021) - Texas
A&M University Department of Horticultural Sciences
Graduate research assistantship (2013-2015) - Auburn
University Department of Horticulture
Student worker at Plant Science Research Center
(2010-2013) - Auburn University Alabama Cooperative Extension
Student Athlete Tutor - Auburn University Athletics
Description of Work Experience
I have had a wide variety of jobs ranging from proofreading technical
papers to operating tractors with PTO implements. Below is a highlighted
list of work experiences and skills. For more information please reach
out via email.
- Pest scouting and pesticide application for 10,000 sq ft
- General maintenance of greenhouse.
- Production of certified organic greenhouse grown tomatoes and micro
- Pesticide application calculations
- Experience applying insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, using tank
sprayers, air-blast sprayers.
- Developing a plan for control of aphids, two-spotted spider mites,
and scales.
Genetics and Genomics
- Experience dosage calling in polyploids from both Array data and GBS
- Autopolyploid linkage mapping and QTL mapping
- GWAS and Genomic Selection
Statistics and Big Data
- Experience with large phenotypic datasets of more than 10,000
datapoints per trait
- Good at analysis of replicated genotpye trials
USDA SCRI grants I have been employed on:
- RosBREED: Combining Disease Resistance With Horticultural Quality in
New Rosaceous Cultivars. Grant No. 2014-51181-22378
- Combatting Rose Rosette Disease: Short and Long Term Approaches.
Grant No. 2014-51181-22644
- Tools for Genomics-Assisted Breeding in Polyploids: Development of a
Community Resource. Grant No. 2020-51181-32156
- Developing Sustainable Rose Landscapes via Rose Rosette Disease
Education and Outreach, Socioeconomic Assessments and Breeding RRD
Resistant Roses with Stable Black Spot Resistance. Grant
No. 2022-51181-38330