Jeekin Lau
Work Experience
Contact Information
Referreed Articles
Developing best practices for genotyping-by-sequencing analysis in the construction of linkage maps
QTL discovery for resistance to black spot and cercospora leaf spot, and defoliation in two interconnected F1 bi-parental tetraploid garden rose populations
Meta-Analysis of Rose Rosette Disease-Resistant Quantitative Trait Loci and a Search for Candidate Genes
Field Resistance to Rose Rosette Disease as Determined by Multi-Year Evaluations in Tennessee and Delaware
Rose Rosette Disease Resistance Loci Detected in Two Interconnected Tetraploid Garden Rose Populations
Identification of QTLs for Reduced Susceptibility to Rose Rosette Disease in Diploid Roses
VIEWpoly: a visualization tool to integrate and explore results of polyploid genetic analysis
Challenges of Breeding Rose Rosette–resistant Roses
Biologic Formulations but Not an Interrow Living Rye Ground Cover Reduced Incidence of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Tomato
Non-Referreed Articles
Field Book: use in phenotypic data collection in rose breeding
Heritability of flower size and heat stress in diploid roses
Resistance of garden roses to cercospora leaf spot
Book Chapters
Chapter 16 Pecan (
Carya illinoinensis
Wang.; K. Koch) - Breeding in the southern United States (pgs 91-93)
Github links to current projects or tutorial presentations
openCV scripts for counting objects and measuring object sizes
Polyploid mapping examples for Tools for Polyploid and New Zealand Rosaceae Genomic Conference 11 workshop
GBS bioinformatics tutorials (in progress, content added as teaching students continues)